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Documentation of TimeGuardian
Version 1.2, 11.1.1995
written by Markus Matern, Gerri Körner and Jürgen Matern
translated by Gerri Körner and Markus Matern
Programpackage TimeGuardian
(C)1993-95 G.Körner, M.Matern, J.Matern
This is the documentation of the package `TimeGuardian'
Version 1.2, 11.1.1995.
The descriptions refers to the following programs:
* `TGCron' Version 1.50, 5.1.1995
* `TimeGuardian' Version 1.50, 5.1.1995.
Welcome to the documentation of the program package
This package may be freely distributed, as long as no unreasonable copying
and swapping fees are collected. For any other type of distribution you
must obtain the written permission of the author. This package is
shareware, if you want to use the programs of this package permanently, you
have to register, see How Can I Register for `TimeGuardian'? for further
This program package may be included in software collections, providing
that the previously mentioned conditions are met.
This program package is provided without warranty of any kind. In no
event will the author be liable for direct, indirect, or incidental
damages resulting from any defect of the program or of its
documentation. The users are hereby warned that such damage might occur.
What is `TimeGuardian'?
`TimeGuardian' is a program package which makes it easy for
you to automate processes which have to be done over and over again. It
reminds you about important events or allows you to start programs or
scripts at predefined points of time. You also may write log files to
disk, where you can see when your computer was switched on.
The Features of `TimeGuardian'
* easily configurable
* providing a GUI for event input
* reminder functions using requesters and alerts
* daily actions
* weekly actions
* monthly actions
* yearly actions
* events after time intervals relating to the point of startup
* detailed evaluation for the points of startup time
* graphical representation for the points of startup time
* precise information for special days
* Localisation
* Commodity
* `Installer'
* online help
What Can I Do with `TimeGuardian'?
The package provides you two main functions which may be used
seperately from each other.
The first function provided is to save on disk every time your computer
was turned on and off. You get a complete log file when anyone turned
on your computer. Also you may choose to log different projects. This
means that you can see in the log files when you worked on a certain
project, e.g. private work and business work. You can analyse these log
files easily with the graphical user interface, getting a quick
overview while working with your computer on certain projects.
The second function that is provided by this package is a function to
start actions (commands or scripts) that you want to be executed
regularly or at specified dates or hours. Moreover you can start
programs or scripts e.g. once a day or once a year .... A special
function of this feature is the reminder. It reminds you by a requester
or an alert, you simply enter the text and point of time for such
events, the rest will be done for you by `TimeGuardian'.
What Do I Need to Be Able to Use `TimeGuardian'?
If you want to use all features of the package `TimeGuardian',
you need some other public domain or shareware packages which can't be
included in this package because of different reasons:
* OS version >= 2.0
You need a Workbench and Kickstart version greater or equal to 2.0
*by all means*. If you are not running those two versions, you
can't install this package. If you want to know which versions you
have installed, enter in a `Shell': `version'. You should get the
following results:
`Kickstart version 37.175, Workbench version 37.XX' or greater
numbers! You need a Workbench version >= 2.1 if you want to use the
localized graphical user interface!
* `MUI' >= 2.0
The program package `MUI' has to be installed to be able to use
the graphical user interface of the program `TimeGuardian'.
You can use an unregistered version of `MUI' while you are testing
the program package. If you want to use `TimeGuardian'
regularly, please register for both packages `MUI' and
`TimeGuardian'. For further information on how to do this, see
How Can I Register for `TimeGuardian'? and Where May I Obtain `MUI'?.
* `Installer'
You need this program for an easy installation of the package. It
is included with many other program packages. To get information
where you can obtain the program `Installer', see Where Can I Obtain
* `Amiga-Guide'
You need this program in order to use a feature of the graphical
user interface of `TimeGuardian' called online help. If you
want to get information on how to obtain this package, see Where
Can I Obtain `Amiga-Guide'?
How Can I Register for `TimeGuardian'?
To be able to use the background program `TGCron' on a certain day
as long as you want, you will need a certain file, which you will only
get by registering. This file contains your name and is especially
generated for you. If this file is missing, you will only be able to
use the program about 3 hours a day.
To obtain your personal key file, please send the registration fee and
form (see Registration Form) to one of the addresses below. If you
send the money, be sure that one can't see the notes inside! Put the
notes inside the registration form.
Please refer to the following table for the amount of your registration
* Inside Germany:
- Cash: DM 20
- Bank draft: DM 20
- National Cheque: DM 20
- Eurocheque: DM 20
* Inside Europe:
- Cash: DM 20 oder US$ 15
- Eurocheque: DM 20 oder US$ 15
- Cheque: DM 40 oder US$ 27 (cashing is very
* Outside Europe:
- Cash: US$ 15
- Cheque: US$ 27 (cashing is very expensive!)
Here are the addresses of the authors:
Gerri Körner
Kulturenweg 6
D-87642 Buching
Markus Matern
Max-Wieland-Straße 13
D-89134 Blaustein
You will receive your personal key file and the newest version of the
program package on disk. If you don't send your fee in a way mentioned
above you won't become a registered user!
Your payment is for the current version of the program package
`TimeGuardian'. You are neither entitled to get newer, nor to
get enhanced program versions. You *don't* have to register again for
possible new versions of this package. The personal key files will stay
valid for new versions. Possible enhancements of the package will
depend on the number of registrations.
You can't reach us by phone, therefore if you have questions, please
send an *international reply coupon* to one of the adresses above. The
better way is to send an e-mail to:
`Gerri.Koerner@student.uni-ulm.de' or
Unfortunately we will not be able to answer any questions asked in other
The Programs of the Package `TimeGuardian'
The package `TimeGuardian' basically consists of two programs,
which are needed both for proper work. They will be described later.
You need the preferences program `TimeGuardian' if you want to
change the configuration of the "cron" (1) which runs in the background
or to analyze the files written to your disk. The second program is
`TGCron'. You should start it every time your computer boots, if
you want to use the package in a sensible way. `TGCron' uses two
small modules for rarely needed functions. These modules won't be
described here as they are not for public use. See How Do I Install
`TimeGuardian'?, for further information.
For further information on programs not included in this package refer
to Where Do I Get the Support Programs?.
---------- Footnotes ----------
(1) A cron is a program which executes programs or scripts at
certain user-specified points of time
The Program `TimeGuardian'
First of all I want to say something general about the documentation of
A GUI should help to work easier with a program and use its features
without detailed knowledge. Many people draw the conclusion that they
dont't have to read its documentation. That's definitely wrong. I tried
to arrange many parts of this program to be operated without any basic
knowledge. Nevertheless I advise you to read this documentation once,
after that you may use the online help function. It will display the
corresponding text to any object of the GUI from the file
`TimeGuardian.guide'. Because of its many features and the very
powerful syntax of the "CronTable"(1) , it is impossible to develop a
GUI which may be used without any basic knowledge.
The preferences program `TimeGuardian' was designed to help the
user to modify the configuration of the background program easily. It
provides you a graphical user interface to do so. If you want to change
the configuration, just start `TimeGuardian'.
* From Workbench: Doubleclick on the corresponding icon. If you
followed the installation instructions, you will find the icon in
your drawer `Prefs' of your bootpartition.
* From CLI: Just enter `<path>/TimeGuardian'. Instead of
`<path>' you have to enter the name of the drawer in which you
have installed the package `TimeGuardian'.
* If you entered in the icon of `TGCron' at the installation
drawer a `CX_POPKEY' tooltype (not in the WBStartup drawer), you
may use this short cut to pop up the GUI of `TimeGuardian'
while `TGCron' is running.
The following is a description of the different elements of the
graphical user interface and their functions. "Gadgets" are elements
that start an action immediately. They may be activated by clicking on
them with the mouse or by pressing the underlined character of their
name. You have to press always a single key on the keyboard, even if a
capital letter is underlined. "Pages" are gadgets which activate other
gadgets. Depending on the preferences of `MUI', you may see all the
page-gadgets together or each at a time by activating the visible
page-gadget. For browsing through the pages you may also use the
keyboard. The combination `ALT <arrow left>' or `ALT <arrow right>'
allows you to step one page forward or back.
---------- Footnotes ----------
(1) A "CronTable" is an ASCII file which contains command lines for
cron program.
The Menus of the Program `TimeGuardian'
Some functions of the program may be activated using gadgets and menus.
Moreover the basic preferences for the cron have to be done on two
windows which may only be activated using the menu. For a further
description see below. The functions that are available via gadget and
menu will be described at the corresponding gadgets. The menu structure
of the preferences program looks like follows:
* Project
- Open...
- Save as...
- ----------------
- About
- User
- Iconify
- ----------------
- Quit
* Edit
- Reset to Defaults
- Last Saved
- Restore
* Settings
- Create Icons?
* Pages
- Timer
- Special
- Global Statistics
- Daily Statistics
* Preferences
- Cron Setup
- Log Path & Names
- -----------------
- LogFiles enabled?
The Menu `Project=>Open...'
Selecting this menu item opens a file-requester which allows you to
load a configuration file. If you don't select a
`TimeGuardian'- config-file, an error message will appear. After the
file has been loaded succesfully, all items of the graphical user
interface will show the new configuration. After that you may modify,
save or use the new settings in the usual way.
The Menu `Project=>Save as...'
By activating this menu, you may save your current settings under any
name you choose. The configuration will just be saved, it will not be
used by a current running cron. You have to select the gadget `Save' or
`Use' if you want to do so. This menu is provided to be able to change
quickly between often used configuratons (e.g. one configuration for
private work and one for business work). Each configuration has its own
name which allows you to associate it with the corresponding project.
If the menu `Settings=>Create Icons?' is activated an icon will be
generated for each configuration you save. If you want to use one of
your saved configurations you have to doubleclick on the corresponding
icon. This configuration is only used as long as you don't boot. If you
want to use this configuration permanently by doubleclicking the icon,
then change the `Tool Types' of the icon to `ACTION=SAVE'.
If you saved a configuration without an icon you have to activate this
configuration as follows: Either load the configuration in the
preferences program and press `Use' or enter the two following lines in
a shell or a script: `copy Name.config env:TimeGuardian.config' and
`setenv TimeGuardian.com config'. The configuration will stay active
until you reboot. (For a permanent change press the `Save' gadget or
you `copy Name.config envarc:TimeGuardian.config' and enter the two
lines above.)
The Menu `Project=>About'
Activating this menu item opens the information window which you have
already seen during the startup of the program. The difference is that
you have to close the window by hand now. You may do this by clicking
on the 'OK' button at the bottom of the window. During startup, the
window will dissapear automatically after moving the mouse or pressing
any key.
The window shows the copyrights, the shareware reference and the
reference to MUI.
The Menu `Project=>User'
If you activate this menu you will be shown an information window in
which the following message is displayed
This TimeGuardian is registered to:
*Firstname Lastname*
Postcode Location
if you are a registered user otherwise, if you haven't registered yet,
the display will read
This is a *unregistered* version of
you have to register after
an evaluation time of 14 days!!
If you want to know how to register for `TimeGuardian', see
How Can I Register for `TimeGuardian'?.
The Menu `Project=>Iconify'
If you activate this menu, the program will close the window of the
graphical user interface and appear as an icon on the Workbench. If you
want to reactivate the window, you have to doubleclick the icon. You
may also use the third gadget from the right on the upper window border.
The Menu `Edit=>Reset to Defaults'
If you click on the gadget `Default', the default values will appear.
These are the original default settings which were shown to you after
your first startup after installation.
The Menu `Edit=>Last Saved'
If you activate this menu, the configuration file that you saved with
the gadget `Save' will be loaded. When the file is loaded succesfully,
you may edit, use or save it in the usual way.
The Menu `Edit=>Restore'
With the menu item`Restore' you may cancel changes you may have made
before. It'll work as long as you did not use one of the two gadgets
`Save' or `Use'.
The Menu `Settings=>Create Icons?'
If this menu item is checkmarked, each time you save a configuration
with the menu
`Project=>Save As', an icon for the configuration will be created.
The Menu `Preferences=>Cron Setup'
This menu item allows you to open the window where you may enter the
basic setup of the cron. You will see the following buttons and sliders.
The Slider `Startuptime'
You may use this slider to enter the time in minutes, your computer
needs to boot, rounded to the next full minute. If your system needs for
example two minutes and 30 seconds to start, you would have to enter
three here. This is necessary, as the background program has to decide
whether the computer was switched on or had a reset. The program
decides, that the computer was switched on, if the difference between
the last saved value and the actual time is greater than the value that
you entered with the slider. Otherwise a reset is supposed.
The Slider `Increment'
This value is the time in minutes, when the background program saves,
that the computer was still working. The smaller you make this value,
the more accurate are the values in the three saved log-files. If you
enter two, for example, every two minutes will be saved, that the
computer was still working. The greatest error which may occur for this
value will be two. The greater the entered value, the inaccurate is the
supposed switch off moment, as the last saved value for a running
system is taken.
The Slider `Log History'
Select how many month will be stored in the data files. At the
beginning of every month an external module will be started which
deletes all outdated entries from the data files. You may store the
datas of 2 years (=24 month), this is the predefined maximum. But you
may set this value to one year for example and make a copy of the
datafiles at the beginning of every new year. You won't loose any data
this way.
The Gadget `Date Format'
With this gadget you may enter nine different formats for the date, that
will be used, when saving the time in the different files. The following
formats may be selected:
`tt-mm-jj', `tt.mm.jj', `tt/mm/jj',
`mm-tt-jj', `mm.tt.jj', `mm/tt/jj',
`jj-mm-tt', `jj.mm.tt', `jj/mm/tt'.
`tt' represents the day of the month, `mm' the short form of the month
and `jj' the last two digits of the year. The short form of the month
will be saved in the selected language.
The Gadget `Locale'
Select a language for the background program `TGCron' with this
gadget. The configuration program will *always* appear localized in
the language you have selected in the language preferences program (of
course you need an approriate file `TimeGuardian.catalog'
installed in your drawer `Locale:Catalogs/language'). If this file is
missing or if you use a workbench version < 2.1 the program will run in
the default language English. This distribution contains only the
default language English and a German catalog.
You may select six different settings:
* localized:
Use this if you have a localized workbench and you want the files
for the time functions to be written in this language. You need
the appropriate file for your language!
* English:
By selecting this or one of the following items, the text will be
written in the selected language to the files.
* German, French, Italian, Spanish:
time functions: selected language
If you are intrested in translating the text of the graphical user
interface into one of the languages above or into your own, please get
in contact with one of the addresses at which you can register for the
package, see How Can I Register for `TimeGuardian'?. As a reward you
will get a registered version of `TimeGuardian' for free.
Please contact one of us *at all events*, before you start to translate!
The Slider `Cron Task Priority'
It is possible that the cron program won't work precise if the CPU
usage is 100% (e.g. running a ray-tracing program). Therefore you may
change the task priority of `TGCron' here. You should select a
value higher than the priority of the program which uses the whole CPU
power. The default value of 4 should work fine anyway.
The Gadget `Use'
If you choose this button for closing the window your current changes
will be used. If you entered something wrong and don't want to use the
changes click on the `Cancel' button.
The Gadget `Cancel'
If you click on `Cancel' instead of `Use' your current changes will get
lost and everything will be reset to the previous values.
The Menu `Preferences=>Log Path & Names'
This menu item opens the window where you may enter the path and the
names of the log files.
The String Gadget `Log Path'
In this string gadget you have to enter the drawer or partition, where
the cron program is supposed to save when the computer has booted and
how long and at what time it was switched on. You can enter the names
of these three files in the following string gadgets.
If you want to change the path, activate the string gadget and enter the
desired path. If the path does not exist, a requester will popup which
allows you to create it. When you activate the string gadget with the
gadget to the right of it, a file requester pops up, where you can
easily select the path.
The String Gadget `Runtime'
Enter the file in which `TGCron' is supposed to save, how long the
computer was switched on and at which dates. If the file doesn't already
exist, it will be created in the drawer or partition you selected at
the gadget `Log Path'.
The entry for a day will be written on the following day, when you
switch your computer on. That implies, if you look at this file the
actual day will not be shown.
The file is saved in ASCII format and may be loaded with any editor or
text viewer. A sample file could look like this:
Wed 04-May-94 Runtime: 2 h 47 min.
Thu 05-May-94 Runtime: 2 h 43 min.
Mon 09-May-94 Runtime: 3 h 11 min.
The date format may be changed, see The Gadget `Date Format' for
further information.
The String Gadget `Starts'
Here you have to enter the name of the file in which `TGCron' is
supposed to save the time when the computer has been reset. The file
will be created in the drawer described above if it doesn't exist
The values in the file will only show your real boot times if you start
the program `TGCron' every time your computer is booting. See How Do
I Install `TimeGuardian'? how to do this.
If you start `TGCron' manually, you may, each time you work on a
certain project, start the program. Thus you have a protocol for this
specific project. You can do this in a another way, too. Start the
program `TGCron' everytime and change the configuration for
different projects. Afterward define a configuration for a certain
project and save it using the menu `Project=>Save As'. When you start
working on the project you use the menu `Project=>Open' to load it. For
further information, see The Menu `Project=>Open...' and The
Menu `Project=>Save as...'.
The file is saved in ASCII format and may be loaded with any editor or
text viewer. A sample file could look like this:
Wed 04-May-94 15:26
Thu 05-May-94 8:24
Thu 05-May-94 14:26
Thu 05-May-94 15:22
Thu 05-May-94 16:01
The date format may be changed, see The Gadget `Date Format' for
further information.
The String Gadget `OnOff'
Enter the file in which `TGCron' is supposed to save the times the
computer was switched on and off. If the file doesn't already exist, it
will be created in the drawer or partition mentioned above.
The entry for the current "switch on" will be appended to the file the
next time the computer will be switched on. Such a file could look like
the following:
System switched on: Wed 04-May-94 17:38
Resets: 0
System switched off: Wed 04-May-94 19:26
System switched on: Thu 05-May-94 8:24
Resets: 0
System switched off: Thu 05-May-94 9:25
System switched on: Thu 05-May-94 14:26
Resets: 2
System switched off: Thu 05-May-94 16:11
The date format may be changed, see The Gadget `Date Format' for
further information.
The decision whether the computer was switched on or had a reset will
be made depending on the settings of the slider `Startuptime', see The
Slider `Startuptime', for further information.
The Gadget `Use'
If you choose this button for closing the window your current changes
will be used. If you entered something wrong and don't want to use the
changes click on the `Cancel' button.
The Gadget `Cancel'
If you click on `Cancel' instead of `Use' your current changes will get
lost and everything will be reset to the previous values.
The Menu `Preferences=>LogFiles enabled?'
If this menu item is checkmarked, the cron program will create a logfile
how long and at which point of time your computer was running. You have
to choose a directory in the `Log Path & Names' window, even if you don
not use the LogFile feature, as some of the special Cron abilities need
information from the `TG_private' subdirectory. Data are only written
at the first startup of a day to this drawer, after that `TGCron'
will behave like a pure Cron/Reminder.
The Page `Timer'
This page is shown if you carry out one of the following actions on the
graphical user interface:
* Press the gadget `Timer'
* Select the menu `Pages=>Timer'
* Press the keys `Amiga 1'
* Press the keys `Alt <arrow right>', while you are on the page
`Daily Statistics'
* Press the keys `Alt <arrow left>', while you are on the page
You may select all time dependand functions of `TGCron' on this
page. You will see two main groups: The "CronTable" function and the
interval timer.
If you started `TimeGuardian' for the first time the all string
gadgets will be ghostet. You have to choose the type of your timer
function with the cycle button at the top of the page.
The Gadget `Type'
By using this gadget you may select which type of background actions
will take place:
* None:
Neither the command/ script in the string gadget `Interval', nor
the "CronTables" will be executed.
* Cron Table:
Only the two "CronTables" will be executed. If you want ot enter
such a file use a text editor or the very comfortable `scheduler',
you may get into it by clicking on one of the `Edit' buttons.
* Interval:
Only the command/ script in the string gadget `Interval' will be
executed in the selected interval as long as the computer is
* Cron Table & Interval:
Both, commands/ scripts and "CronTables" will be executed. t
The String Gadget `Default/ Current'
You may select a "CronTable"(1) file here where you may store which
programs have to be started at certain times.
There are two different "CronTables" provided on this page which may be
used separately from each other. Thus it is easier for you to generate
one "CronTable" for actions which will happen regardless of the current
configurations, the other will depend on it. The difference between
both them is the fact that the `Default' "CronTable" won't be reread
when you change the configuration of running cron. This may happen if
you switch to another project you are working on. The `Standard'
"CronTable" will always be reread whenever you change your
configuration. A notification is set on both files, therefore the
"CronTable" will be reread if you save something the file in any way.
This file has to be an ASCII file with a certain format that will be
described at The "CronTable"-Syntax. It is possible to use samples in this
file or certain days, months, etc.
If you click on the gadget right beside the string gadget, a file
requester will pop up with which you may easily select the desired
file. You may access these string gadgets only if you have selected
`CronTable' or `CronTable & Interval' at the `Type' cycle button.
Otherwise the string gadgets will be ghosted.
If you click on one of the `Edit' buttons right beside the
string-gadgets you will get into the program `TGScheduler', refer to
The Program `TGScheduler'. This program will help you with its graphical
user interface to create the very cryptic "CronTable" files.
---------- Footnotes ----------
(1) The format is the same as used in Un*x,has been enhanced by
some very useful features.
The String Gadget `Interval'
You may select a file here that will be executed in regular time
intervals. Therefore this entry may be used to save the project you are
currently working on every ten minutes. The point of time this will
happen are always relative to the boot time, i.e. (boot time + n *
interval). To change the interval see The Sliders `Hours'/ `Minutes'.
If you press the gadget to the right of the string gadget, a file
requester will pop up with which you may select the desired file. You
may change the entry in this string gadget only if `Interval' or
`CronTable & Interval' has been selected at the `Type' gadget,
otherwise the gadget will be ghosted. You may select an executable or a
script in ASCII format. If you want to use a script the `S- flag' has
to be set. To set this flag for the script `Example' in the directory
`s:', type in a `CLI' window: `protect s:Example s add'. You have to
start commands in a script with their full path! You don't need the
path if you use internal commands or commands in the `C:'-directory.
The Sliders `Hours'/ `Minutes'
Set the interval time, at which the command/ script `Interval' will be
executed regularly. You have to set the minutes and hours seperately.
If you set the slider `Hours' to 0 and the slider `Minutes' to 15, the
command/ script will be executed every fifteen minutes. You may change
these two values only if you selected `Cron Table & Interval' or
`Interval' at the gadget `Type', otherwise the two sliders will be
ghosted (see The Gadget `Type').
The Page `Special'
You may select some files here that will be executed at the given
points of time. The same functions may be achieved using a "CronTable"
entry, but this page is provided for the following two reasons: First
the compatability to the old versions and second to enable you to test
and use some functions in a fast and simple way.
This page is shown if you carry out one of the following actions on the
graphical user interface:
* Press the gadget `Special'
* Select the menu `Pages=>Special'
* Press the keys `Amiga 2'
* Press the keys `Alt <arrow right>', while you are on the page
* Press the keys `Alt <arrow left>', while you are on the page
`Global Statistics'
When you start `TimeGuardian' for the first time, you will find the
string gadgets empty. Otherwise you will see the last saved
The String Gadget `Once a day'
You may select a file here that will be executed once a day. The file
will be executed only once a day regardless of the time the computer is
switched on. If the computer is powered on at midnight, it will be
executed right past midnight. This entry is not usable for polling at
your mailbox once a day because the point of time when this will happen
is not fixed. It is intended for commands which you don't want to
execute from your `Startup-Sequence' each time your computer boots.
Once a day you can make a backup of important files or update your
database for a fast file search.
If you press the gadget right of the string gadget, a file requester
will pop up in which you may easily select the desired file. You may
choose an executable or a script in ASCII format. If you want a script
to be executed, the `S-flag' has to be set, for example, the script
`Once_a_day' in the drawer `S:'. Enter `protect S:Once_a_day s add' in
a CLI to set this flag. You have to start commands in a script with
their full path! You won't need the path if you use internal commands
or commands in the `C:'-directory.
A sample script may look like this:
;Script once a day
dir all sys: > T:.directorytree ;for fast file search
copy T:.directorytree sys:
delete T:.directorytree
The commands will be automatically started as a background task. You
won't have to enter anything like `run < nil: > nil: Command'. Before
adding a command line to a script you should execute it in a `Shell',so
you can be sure that it works in the intended way. In case you get
problems running the command from the script, you may redirect the
output to a file: `Command > Sys:.logfile'. Read the file
`Sys:.logfile' with a text viewer or an editor to check what went wrong
(you may check this file with `type Sys:.logfile' in a `Shell', too).
The String Gadget `Once a week'
You may select a file here that will be executed once a week. The file
will be executed only once a week regardless of the day of the week the
computer is switched on.
The String Gadget `Once a month'
You may select a file here that will be executed once a month. The file
will be executed only once a month regardless of the day the computer is
switched on.
The String Gadget `Once a year'
You may select a file here that will be executed once a year. The file
will be executed only once a year, regardless of the point of time at
which the computer was switched on for the first time in a certain
year. If the computer is running at the turn of the year, it will be
executed right post midnight. You could use this entry to copy the
files that the cron program produced to a different directory.
The Page `Global Statistics'
This page is shown if you carry out one of the following actions on the
graphical user interface:
* Press the gadget `Global Satistics'
* Select the menu `Pages=>Global Statistics'
* Press the keys `Amiga 3'
* Press the keys `Alt arrow right', while you are on the page
* Press the keys `Alt arrow left', while you are on the page `Daily
A table will be displayed on this page where you may see at which days
of the current logfile the computer was working and how long. While
controlling different projects with different configurations the times
and dates shown correspond to the selected configuration. You may move
around in the upper field of the page like follows:
* Press the Tab key and use the keys Cursor up or Cursor down: Each
time you press one of the keys the bar moves up or down a day.
* Click on the desired day with your mouse.
* Move the proportional gadget to the right side of the Listview and
then click on the desired day with your mouse.
* Click on the gadgets next to the proportional gadget and then
choose the desired day.
If the desired day has been highligted as mentioned above you should
activate the page `Daily Statistics' in one of these ways:
* Press the Return key (the highlighted day will be shown)
* Doubleclick on the desired day (this will also work if no day has
been selected yet)
At the bottom you will see two buttons. By clicking on them you may
pop up as information window:
* Statistics:
A window will be opened which displays detailed information on the
global runtime, maximum and minimum, furthermore on the
startups/resets and onoff-cycles.
The text lines are written on alternating background colors. To
get this effect which makes it easier to read the table choose
different colors or greyscales for the pens `Halfshine' and
`Halfshadow' in the preferences program of `MUI'.
* Graphics:
A graphics window will be opened. This window has not been
finished yet in the current release. To be able to realize all
planned functions the next versions will need `MUI 2.2'!
The Page `Daily Statistics'
This page is shown if you carry out one of the following actions on the
graphical user interface:
* The gadget `Daily Satistics'
* Select the menu `Pages=>Daily Statistics'
* Press the keys `Amiga 4'
* Press the keys `Alt arrow right', while you are on the page
`Global Statistics'
* Press the keys `Alt arrow left', while you are on the page `Timer'
This page contains three main areas. In the uppermost you may select
which information will be shown in the middle of the page:
- OnOff:
This will show when the computer was switched on, how many resets
it had, and at what time it was switched off.
- Starts:
The times when your computer had a reset or was turned on will be
displayed here.
In the downmost area you'll see a summary of the selected day. If you
cannot see all entries together, you may move the proportional gadget
the same way as on the page `Global Statistics'. If you want to switch
between the two views `OnOff' and `Starts', you may press the Space
bar. Furthermore you may use the keys Alt arrow up/down to browse
through the days. The active day will be changed on the page `Global
Statistics', too.
The Gadgets `Save'/ `Use'/ `Quit'
The Gadget `Save'
If you press the gadget `Save' or the corresponding key-shortcut, the
program will save the current preferences. The new configuration
becomes active at once and will be used after a reboot (The preferences
will be saved in the directory `ENVARC:' and `ENV:' with the name
`TimeGuardian.config'). Contrary to the standard preferences
programs `TimeGuardian' won't quit by pressing on the `Save'
The Gadget `Use'
If you press the gadget `Use' or its corresponding key- shortcut, the
preferences will be saved in the drawer `ENV:' with the same name as
above. The configuration will be used immediately, but will stay active
only as long as the computer won't be rebooted. If the computer boots,
the configuration you saved with the gadget `Save' will be used.
The Gadget `Quit'
You may leave the program by clicking on this gadget. If the
preferences where changed but not yet saved, a requester will pop up.
If you select `Quit', the program will be left without saving. If you
select `Cancel' or press the Return key, you'll get back to the
program. You may save the preferences manually and leave the program
afterwards. By pressing the `Use' button, the changed configuration
will be used and the program left. But the changed configuration will
be lost after the next reboot.
The Online Help
The online help is a feature that'll help you while using the graphical
user interface. The `amigaguide.library' has to be installed correctly
(located in the drawer `Libs:') if you want to use this feature. See
Where Can I Obtain `Amiga-Guide'?
If this library has been installed, you may get help about an element of
the graphical user interface by moving the mouse pointer over it (do not
click) and pressing the Help key afterwards. The corresponding text
from the file `TimeGuardian.guide' will appear.
The AREXX-Port
At the present version the program only supports the standard `MUI'
For more information see `MUI.guide' from the distribution of `MUI'.
What Do the Error Messages Mean ?
* `Failed to create Application!'
The program was not able to open its window on the active screen.
This may happen if you don't have enough free memory. Close some
applications or reboot and try it again.
* `Cannot quit now,
still some ASL popups open!'
This message appears if you want to leave the program but still
some file requester are open. Close them and try to quit the
program again.
* `The configuration has been changed
and was not saved!'
This message reminds you that you haven't saved the modified
preferences. They will be lost if you don't save before leaving.
* `TGCron is not running!'
The background program `TGCron' is not running yet, therefore
the changes of the configuration will have no effect! If you want
to use the new configuration, you have to start `TGCron'
* `The file already exists,
I will overwrite it!'
A file you want to save was already saved with the same name. If
you select `Ok' the old file will be overwritten. If you select
`Cancel' or press return you may save the file with a different
* `You have to define a Log File,
an empty string is not allowed!'
You didn't enter anything in a string gadget. You have to enter a
name for the file.
* `Invalid config-file: *'
The file * is not a valid config file; please select a different
* `Could not load config-file: *
I will use defaults instead!'
The file * could not be opened correctly while starting
`TimeGuardian'. The program will use the default values. Change
the configuration to suit your needs and press `Save' to correct
the error.
* `Could not open scheduler window!'
There was not enough free memory available on your system to open
the scheduler window. Free some memory and try again.
* `This path does not already exist!
I will create it!'
You entered a non existing path in the string gadget. You may
create it by pressing `OK'.
The Program `TGScheduler'
`TGScheduler' isn't an independent program, it's a part of
`TimeGuardian'. The following description does *not* refer to an
independent program. The scheduler may be used to create a "CronTable"
in a very easy way. You don't need to notice the very cryptic syntax
of the "CronTable" and you may try out your generated event before you
store it.
If you want to invoke the scheduler select on the page `Timer' (see The
Page `Timer') press one of the `Edit' buttons. Use your mouse or the
equivalent short cut. If the corresponding string gadget already
contains a file, it will be loaded into the scheduler, otherwise an
empty "CronTable" will be created.
`TGScheduler' consist of several windows. After startup you will
be on the main window.
The "Main" Window
Whether the string gadget contained a file or not, it was loaded or an
empty listview will appear. You may manipulate existing tables here.
By clicking on the close-gadget you will exit from the scheduler
without any security requesters, even if you changed something in the
active table.
If you already named the current table (by saving it) or you loaded an
already existing file, the filename will appear in the titlebar of the
main window. The length of the complete path and filename is limited
to 40 characters, if it will be longer than 40 characters the middle of
the path will be replaced by `...'
You will see the following elements on the main page:
The ListView `EventList'
This listview will show the current table you are working on. The
buttons right beside the listview will act to the highlighted entry. If
you want to activate an entry you may click it once with your mouse or
select it with the cursor keys. After that it will be highlighted. If
there are no entries in the list you may only select the button `New',
all other buttons will be ghosted.
The Gadget `New'
By pressing this button you may create a new entry for the list left to
it. It will be entered on top of an empty list or after the highlighted
entry. A requester will pop up in which you may select the type of your
new entry.
There are currently five different types you may choose from:
* `Command': A command will be executed by the cron.
* `Comment': Those entries contain no information for the cron, they
will help you to enter some notes or separate entries for different
project, etc. . As they are not important for the cron, you cannot
enter time values here.
* `Reminder': The cron will invoke the requester/alarm-module of
`TimeGuardian'. A requester will pop up, containing the
text you have entered before, to remind you of an important event.
* `Reminder & Beep': The cron will invoke the requester/alarm-module
of `TimeGuardian'. A requester will pop up, containing
the text you have entered before, to remind you of an important
event. Furthermore your screen will flash for a short moment.
* `Alert': The cron will invoke the requester/alarm-module of
`TimeGuardian'. An alert will occur, containing the text
you have entered before, to remind you of some important event. But
you should be very careful using those alerts, as the whole
multitasking system will be halted as long as the alert stays
When you have choosen one of these types, the window `Event Input' will
pop up next, see also The Window `Event Input'.
The Gadget `Clone'
This button allows you to duplicate the currently active entry. The
copy will appear below the active entry.
The Gadget `Change'
By clicking on the `Change' button, the currently active entry will be
transfered to the editor. You will get the same result by double
clicking on an entry in the listview or by pressing the Return key
while your desired entry is highlighted.
The Gadget `Up'
This button allows you to move the active entry one position up. If it
is already at the top of the listview, nothing will happen. The position
of an entry in the "CronTable" has no meaning for the cron. But you may
sort your events to make it easier to read the "CronTable".
The Gadget `Down'
This button allows you to move the active entry one position down.
The Gadget `Remove'
By clicking on this button you may remove the currently active entry
from the table. There will be no security requester, be careful.
The Gadget `Open'
This button allows you to load a new table into the scheduler. If the
old table has been changed and was not saved, a security requester will
pop up and remind you on this fact.
The Gadget `Save'
You may use this button to save the currently visible table with the
name given in the titlebar of its window. There won't be a security
requester. If there will be no name defined in the titlebar, a requester
will pop up in which you may enter a path and name.
The Gadget `Save As...'
By clicking on this button you may save the current table with a new
name. If the selected file already exists a security requester will pop
up, asking if you really want to overwite the file.
The Gadget `Clear'
This button may be used to clear the whole table. If you have changed
the current table, a security requester will appear. Otherwise it will
be deleted without any interrogation. The name of the table will be
The Gadget `Exit'
This button brings you back to the program `TimeGuardian'. If you
changed something at the current table a security requester will pop up.
If you `Cancel' the requester, you will get back to the scheduler. If
you `Exit' from it, you will be back to `TimeGuardian' without
saving the table. The middle button alows you to save your data and
exit after that to `TimeGuardian'.
The Window `Event Input'
Now you are in the part of the program where you may select when a
certain event will happen. The upper window will be always the same
regardless which type of event you are working on. Its main purpose is
to choose *WHEN* your event will take place. *WHAT* will happen may be
selected with the button at the left top and the second window. The
second window will be different for each type of event.
If you want to create a "CronTable" by hand using a texteditor, refer to
The "CronTable"-Syntax for a detailed description of its syntax.
The Gadget `Type'
This button shows you which type of event you are currently working on.
All types may be converted into a `Comment' and all comments may be
reconverted into their former type. Furthermore the three types
`Reminder', `Reminder & Peep' and `Alert' may be converted into each
other. You won't be able to convert a `Reminder' to an `Alert',
because an `Alert' is limited to 78 characters and 20 rows, the size of
a `Reminder' depends only from your screen resolution.
The Gadget `Special'
This button influences the behavior of the event. It defines what will
happen after a event has become active:
* Standard: Nothing special will happen. The event will be executed
at the predefined points of time.
* Once a day: The event will be executed at the predefined points of
time, but only once a day.
* Once a week: The event will be executed at the predefined points
of time, but only once a week.
* Once a month: The event will be executed at the predefined points
of time, but only once a month.
* Once a year: The event will be executed at the predefined points
of time, but only once a year.
* Use only once: The event will be executed at the predefined point
of time, afterwards it will be removed from the "CronTable".
For example I am using an entry with `once a week' and `* * *' for the
time values, all month enabled and Sat and Sun (weekend), which reminds
me to make a backup. The reminder will pop up always when I start my
computer for the first time at the weekend. A `once a day' reminder
may be used to remind you for example of someones birthday or that
her/his birthday will come soon.
The String Gadget `Minutes'
You may enter in this stringgadget at which minutes the event will
happen. Enter the string like described at The "CronTable"-Syntax or click on
the button `Edit 1' right beside the gadget to enter it using the help
window `Minutes', see The Window `Minutes- Hours- Days'.
The String Gadget `Hours'
You may enter in this stringgadget at which hours the event will happen.
Enter the string like described at The "CronTable"-Syntax or click on the
button `Edit 2' right beside the gadget to enter it using the help
window `Hours', see The Window `Minutes- Hours- Days'.
The String Gadget `Days'
You may enter in this stringgadget at which days the event will happen.
Enter the string like described at The "CronTable"-Syntax or click on the
button `Edit 3' right beside the gadget to enter it using the help
window `Days', see The Window `Minutes- Hours- Days'.
The Gadgets `Months'
You may use this field of buttons to enter at which months the event
will happen. A certain month will be activated by pressing its
appropriate button (recess it). The `Toggle 4' button may be used to
invert all entries, recessed (activated) buttons will become raised
(inactivated) and vice versa.
The Gadgets `Day of week'
You may use this field of buttons to enter at which days of the week
the event will happen. A certain day will be activated by pressing its
appropriate button (recess it). The `Toggle 5' button may be used to
invert all entries, recessed (activated) buttons will become raised
(inactivated) and vice versa.
The Gadgets `Edit'
A window will pop up which allows you to enter an appropriate string
for the string gadget. For a detailed description of the windows
elements refer to The Window `Minutes- Hours- Days'.
The Gadgets `Toggle'
You may use these two buttons to simply invert the state of the buttons
left beside them. All active buttons will become inactive and vice
The Window `Comment'
This window will appear if you select the event-type `Comment' from the
cycle button at the left top of the `Event Input' window. Furthermore
the window where you may enter the time values for an event will become
The String Gadget `Comment'
You may enter a comment text here which will appear in the "CronTable".
The Gadget `Use'
By clicking on this button the text of the string gadget left beside it
will be entered into the "CronTable". If you don't want to enter this
text, click on the `close-gadget' of the `Event Input' window to get
back to the "main" window without any changees.
The Window `Command'
This window will appear if you select the event-type `Command' from the
cycle button at the left top of the `Event Input' window. Furthermore
the window where you may enter the time values for an event will become
The String Gadget `Arguments'
Enter the arguments here for the command you entered below.
The String Gadget `Command'
You must enter the path and name of the command which should be started
by the cron utility as a background task. If you do not remember the
exact path, use the button right beside the stringgadget to pop up a
file requester.
The Gadget `Test'
This button allows you to test your command or script, exactly the same
will happen when the cron utility starts it later on.
The Gadget `Use'
By clicking on this button the command left beside it will be entered
into the "CronTable". If you don't want to enter this command, click
on the `close-gadget' of the `Event Input' window to get back to the
"main" window without any change.
The Window `Reminder- Reminder & Beep- Alert'
You may enter the text in this window which will occur in your
Reminder, Reminder & Peep or Alert. All windows for the three event
types will look like the same and therefore are described here together.
You will see a listview which shows you the actual text entries, as
same as on the main window of the scheduler. Below the listview you
will see a stringgadget which allows you to enter your desired text to
the listview.
Together with the buttons right beside the listview you get a small
text editor to create your events.
The Gadget `New'
Use this button to append a new textline to the listview. The text will
always be appended after the last entry of the listview, regardless
which entry has been activated by the listview-cursor. The stringgadget
will be activated and you may enter the new text line there, after
pressing the RETURN key, the line will be automatically appended to the
listview. While the stringgadget is active, you have to press the Amiga
key in conjunction with the underlined character to select the button.
The Gadget `Clone'
By clicking on this button the highlighted entry will be copied and
appended at the end of the list.
The Gadget `Up'
Use this button to move the highlighted entry one position up.
The Gadget `Down'
Use this button to move the highlighted entry one position down.
The Gadget `Remove'
Use this button to remove the highlighted entry from the list. There
will appear no security requester before deleting it.
The Gadget `Test'
This button allows you to test your reminder or alert, exactly the same
will happen when the cron utility starts it later on.
If you are using an EGS-screen it may happen that you won't see the
alert. You won't be able to move your mouse pointer as the alert will
be displayed on a background screen. The only way to get rid of the
alert will be clicking on the right mousebutton. This is a problem of
the EGS-system and we are not able to influence that. The only solution
will be to use no alerts if you get problems with EGS.
The Gadget `Use'
By clicking on this button the current event will be entered into the
"CronTable". If you don't want to enter this event, click on the
`close-gadget' of the `Event Input' window to get back to the "main"
window without any change.
The Window `Minutes- Hours- Days'
All of the three windows will look like the same and therefore are
described here together. The only difference between them are their
title bars and the ranges of their sliders.
The Radiobutton `Type'
Use these radio buttons to select which of the sliders you want to
become active.
* Always: None of the sliders will become active, only the `Replace'
button will be activated. `Always' means that the event will be
executed every minute (hour or day).
* Range: You may use the sliders `Begin' and `End' to define a range
of minutes (hours or days) when your event will be executed by the
cron utility.
* Single: You may select a single minute (hour or day) when your
event will be executed by the cron utility.
The Slider `Minute'/ `Hour'/ `Day'
This slider allows you to select a single point of time.
The Slider `Begin'
This slider allows you to set the beginning of a range.
The Slider `End'
This slider allows you to set the end of a range.
The Gadget `Replace'
The `Actual value' will be replaced by the currently choosen point of
time or range by clicking on this button.
The Gadget `Add'
The choosen point of time or range will be appended to the currently
visible value (`Actual value'). Simplifications will be automatically
performed by the program.
The "CronTable"-Syntax
An example file might look like this:
# TimeGuardian CronTable
#55 23 * * * RequestChoice TimerRequest "It is 23:55 now!" "What?!"
59 19 * * 1-5 s:News
0,15,30,45 * * * * "newshell con:82/175/550/90/UpTime from batch:saytime"
R 55 23 * * * "It is 23:55 now !"
First of all I want to say that a command line must not contain more
than 450 characters. This results of some Amiga- and
`TimeGuardian'- specific restrictions. If you need longer commands you
should use a small script for that.
If the 1st character of a line is `#' (or `;'), the line will be
completely ignored. You may use this to add comments to the file or to
disable a commandline temporarely. This is shown in the third line.
The command `RequestChoice' won't be executed.
In order to execute a file at a certain time, the line in the file must
look like the following example: `[Type] <Minute> <Hour> <Day> <Month>
<Day_of_week> [Key] <"Text">|<Path/<Command>>'.
The decision, whether a command will be executed or not, is made by a
*AND*- combination of the five time parameters. This means that the
command will only be executed if all five parameters match.
A detailed description of the different samples, set in acute
parenthesis, is following here. Some characters have a certain meaning:
- `<>':
The parameter in acute parenthesis has to be specified.
- `|':
The vertical bar seperates alternative parameters which may be
used or not.
- `[]':
The parameter in angular parenthesis may be used if you want to.
- `...':
Three periods indicate that the preceding parameter may be used
multiple times.
* `[Type]'
This is an enhancement of the Un*x syntax which provides you the
following possibilities:
If you don't enter one of these parameters the rest of the line
will be taken as a command. `#' and `;' indicate a comment line
and will be ignored by the cron. The parameters `R', `B' and `A'
indicate a so called "reminder" or "alert". The `<"Text">' (see
below) will be displayed. These single characters are the
abbreviations for:
R = reminder
B = reminder & beep
A = alert
A reminder is a system requester, which displays the given text,
you may use them to remind you on important events (e.g.
birthdays). An alert uses a special system screen.
* `<Minute>'
The complete syntax looks like this:
The value for `Min' has to be chosen from the period of 0 to 59.
The following is a description of all possibilities:
1. `*':
If you use an asterisk for this parameter, th command is
executed every minute.
2. `Min':
You may choose a certain point of time at which the command
will be executed.
3. `Min-Min':
You may specify a period of time, during which the command
will be executed. The first value for `Min' has to be smaller
than or equal the second value for `Min'.
4. `<Min>,<Min-Min>,...,<Min>':
You may specify multiple points and periods of time seperated
by colons. The command will be executed at every specified
moment and the specified periods of time.
Example: `0,5,10,15-20,30,45-50 * * * * Command'
This would start the command every full hour, every five, ten and
30 minutes after the full hour and during the period of 15 to 20
and of 45 to 50 minutes every minute after the full hour. The
command will be executed every single day.
* `<Hour>'
The complete syntax looks like this:
The value for `Hour' has to be chosen from the period of 0 to 23.
For a more precise description of the parameter `Hour', consult
the parameter `Minute' above. Both parameters have the same syntax.
Example: `* 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21 * * * Command'
This would execute the command every three hours. Since an
asterisk is used for the minutes, the command will be executed
every minute of these hours.
* `<Day>'
The complete syntax looks like this:
The value for `Day' has to be chosen from the period of 1 to 31.
For a more precise description of the parameter `Day', consult the
parameter `Minute' above. Both parameters have the same syntax.
Example: `* * 5-10,20-25 * * Command'
This would start the command from the fifth to 10th of a month and
at the 20th to 25th of a month. Since asterisks are used for the
other parameters, the command will be executed every single minute
at these days!
* `<Month>'
The complete syntax looks like this:
The value for `Mon' has to be chosen from the period of 1 to 12.
For a more precise description of the parameter `month', consult
the parameter `Minute' above. Both parameters have the same syntax.
Example: `* * * 1,5-7 * Command'
This would start the command in the months from January to May and
in July. It will be executed every single minute in these months!
* `<Day_of_week>'
The complete syntax looks like this:
The value for `DoW' has to be chosen from the period of 1 to 7. 1
corresponds to Monday, 7 corresponds to Sunday. For a more precise
description of the parameter `Day_of_Week', consult the parameter
`Minute' above. Both parameters have the same syntax.
Example: `* * * * 1-5 Command'
This would start the command from Monday to Friday every minute
your computer is running.
* `[Key]'
The complete syntax of this enhancement looks like this:
Only the first two characters will be checked (`§YE' is equal to
`§year'). This check won't be case sensitive, you even might mix
up small and capital letters.
A commandline which contains such a `key' will be executed only
once in the given range of time. After its execution the
commandline will become commented and becomes reactivated at the
beginning of a new time-period. This means for example that a
script will be executed once a week (depending on its time
parameters, see above), after that it will become deactivated and
at the beginning of a new week reactivated. When the time
parameters become valid, it gets executed again.
The `§Kill' `Key' indicates a special event, after it has become
valid the commandline will be removed from the "CronTable".
Here are the meanings of the `Keys':
`§Day' : will be executed once a day and reactivated at the
beginning of a new day
`§Week' : will be executed once a week and reactivated at the
beginning of a new week
`§Month' : will be executed once a month and reactivated at the
beginning of a new month
`§Year' : will be executed once a year and reactivated at the
beginning of a new year
`§Kill' : gets removed after a signle execution
* `<<"Text">|<Pfad/<Befehl|Skript>>>'
You have to enter the command or script here that is supposed to
be executed. You always have to use the complete path. In the
above example, in line seven, the command `newshell' would need no
path, as it this is an *internal* command which is not loaded from
any data media. System commands which are located in the `C:'
drawer also won't need a path. All other commands will.
If you selected a reminder/alert by using `R', `B' or `a' as first
character, you have to enter the text quoted. A new line has to be
entered as `*N'.
* examples:
1. `* * * * * "dir >> t:test sys:tools"'
This command would be executed every minute.
2. `0,30 8-16 * * 1-5 s:Gong'
This script would be executed Mondays to Fridays from eight
a.m. to four o'clock p.m. every full hour and every half hour.
3. `0 15 24 12 * execute "s:Christmas"'
This script would be executed at three o'clock p.m. at the
24.th of December.
4. `0 20 15,16 4 7 s:Example'
This script would be executed at the 15th and 16th of April
at eight o'clock p.m. (if this date is a Sunday). Of course,
two successive days can't be both Sundays, this example is
just used to illustrate the *AND*- combination.
5. `R 55 23 * * * "You should better*Ngo to bed now!"'
At 23:55 you will be sent to bed by your computer.
6. `* 18-22 * * * §Day s:Mailbox'
Regardless when you switched your computer on for the first
time this day, if it is running during 18-22 o'clock it will
start the mailbox script.
If you want to start scripts, the `S- flag' of the files has to be set
(to do this with the script `News' which is in the directory `S:', type
the following in a `CLI': `protect s:News s add'). The second way to
start a script is to use the command `execute' as shown in the third
example (you don't have to set the `S- flag' here). You have to start
commands inside scripts with their full path! You won't need the path,
if you use internal commands or commands in the `C:'-directory. If you
have any problems with commands, because they are not working properly,
check the commands for spaces. Try quoting the part of the command
including spaces. Test the commands you want to use in a `Shell' before
you enter them to a script.
The Program `TGCron'
After setting up your preferences with `TimeGuardian', you should
start `TGCron'. The program is a so called `Commodity', please
refer to your manual for the operating system for further information.
According to your setup, the program will execute the appropriate
programs and scripts and store the runtime information of your
computer. Its CPU usage is very low. While waiting for the next event
it will use *no* CPU power. CPU power will only be used during startup
and when it's looking for an event or writing some information to disk
and apart from that each minute for a short stretch of time.
What Does `TGCron' Do?
`TGCron' was designed to stay in memory all the time and run as a
background task. It will execute user defined events at predefined
points of time. This means on the one hand that script files will be
executed and requester or alerts will be shown to remind you about
important events, on the other hand it will store information about the
runtime and the time your system was booted. The precision for these
informations may be preset in `TimeGuardian'. It is very important
to configure `TGCron' according to your personal environment, so
that it will be able to handle your events. How ythis should be done,
see The Program `TimeGuardian'. As the program stores (after predefined
intervals) information to your harddisk, it is important not to do a
reset at these points of time. It is possible that you would get a
corrupted file on your harddisk, but that will be corrected during your
next startup. (This happened just once during a period of 8 month on
my system) To be safe don't do a reset at any full minute (:00) or
remove `TGCron' before you do a reset. All in all you don't have
to worry about that as it is not dangerous!
How May I Get Information About `TGCron'
If you want to get further information about `TGCron', please
enter the following from the CLI (replace `<path>' by the directory you
have installed the package to): `<path>/TGCron'
There are two different messages possible, depending on whether
`TGCron' has already been started or not.
1. `TGCron' has already been started:
`TGCron v1.50 (5.1.1995) by G.Körner/J.Matern
use -r option to remove...'
2. `TGCron' is not yet running:
`TGCron v1.50 (5.1.1995) by G.Körner/J.Matern
use -i option to install...'
You may also get information about the revision and the compilation
date by using the `version'-command. Enter the following commandline:
`version full <path>/TGCron'
It should read: `TGCron v1.50 (5.1.1995)'.
If this does not happen, you are definitely reading the wrong
documentation. Furthermore you may use the `Commodity Exchange'
program of you workbench to display information on TGCron.
How May I Start `TGCron'?
If you didn't choose the automatic startup option during installation,
there are two different ways to start `TGCron' by hand:
1. Start from CLI:
To start from CLI please enter the following: `<path>/TGCron
As `TGCron' does not detach from your CLI, you have to use
the `run' command to get your shell back after startup as follows:
`run < nil: > nil: <path>/TGCron -i'.
Replace <path> by the directory the `TimeGuardian' package
was installed to.
2. Workbench startup:
If you want to start `TGCron' from your Workbench, just
doubleclick its icon.
If you try to start the program while it is already running, you will
get the following results:
- At the CLI:
You will get the message: `TGCron is already running'
Indicating that `TGCron' is already running and may not be
- At the workbench:
A requester will pop up, asking you: `Do you want to remove
If you want to remove it, click on `*Yes*' or press Return.
Choosing `No' or pressing Escape will not affect `TGCron' and
it will keep on running. Regardless of your choice it won't be
started again!
How May I Stop `TGCron'?
If `TGCron' is already running, you have three options to remove
1. From CLI:
Please enter the following command: `<path>/TGCron -r'
Replace <path> by the directory the `TimeGuardian'
package was installed to. After tahat you will get the message:
`TGCron will be removed now!'. The program will be removed
from memory at once.
2. At the Workbench:
Just doubleclick its icon. A requester will pop up, asking you:
`Do you want to remove TimeGuardianCron?'
If you want to remove it, click on `*Yes*' or press Return.
Choosing `No' or pressing Escape will not affect `TGCron' and
it will keep on running. You won't get any further messages, but
just as removing it from CLI, it will quit at once.
3. You may use the `Commodity Exchange' program of your workbench to
remove `TGCron' from memory.
What Do the Error Messages Mean?
You may get the following error messages from `TGCron':
* `Not enough free memory!'
You have not enough free memory in your system. `TGCron' had
to quit.
* `Invalid .config file. Use TimeGuardian to create a new one!'
`TGCron' tried to read data from the file
`env:TimeGuardian.config', but it was changed or corrupted and is
not valid any more. Start `TimeGuardian', enter a new
configuration, and store it with the `Save' button.
* `Could not open env:TimeGuardian.config!
Use TimeGuardian to create it'
Start `TimeGuardian', enter your configuration and store it
with the `Save' button.
* `Could not open locale, please check configuration!
Using english instead'
You have choosen `localized' in the preferences program but the
cron couldn't find the corresponding catalog.
* `Your evaluation time has expired for today,
Please consider registering !!'
You have reached the end of your evaluation time for `TGCron'
as an unregistered user. You won't be able to restart it again on
this same day. If you want to use the package for a unlimited
amount of time, please become a registered user, refer to How Can
I Register for `TimeGuardian'? for detailed information.
* `CronParser ERROR:
Wrong number of Arguments in CronTable line:
Please correct it!'
The displayed `CronTab_line' from one of your choosen "CronTables"
contains too much or not enough entries. For detailed information
on the "CronTable", refer to The "CronTable"-Syntax.
* `CronParser ERROR:
Bad entry '*' in CronTable line:
Please correct it!'
The entry '*' in the `CronTab_line' is not valid. For detailed
information on the "CronTab", refer to The "CronTable"-Syntax.
* `CronParser ERROR:
Value * out of range (*...*)
Please search for commandline and fix it !'
The number after `Value' is not in the range displayed in
parenthesis. For detailed information on the "CronTab", refer to
The "CronTable"-Syntax.
* `CronParser ERROR:
Range *-* out of range (*...*)
Please search for commandline and fix it !'
The range `*-*' has to be in the range that is shown in
parenthesis. For detailed information on the "CronTable", refer to
The "CronTable"-Syntax.
Where Do I Get the Support Programs?
Where May I Obtain `MUI'?
You may get `MUI' directly from the author, where you get a registered
version (see Where Can I Register for `MUI'?). This allows you to
use all features of `MUI' and store its configuration permanently. The
unregistered version is available on many PD-series an via `Aminet'.
If you think `MUI' is not worth installing, because of one single
program, you may be right. But the background program `TGCron'
won't use `MUI' at all. Only the preferences program will use it for its
graphical user interface. So `MUI' will not be started everytime, but
if you want to change the configuration. So you may install this
package even on computers with memory, as you don't need `MUI' all the
If you have `MUI' not installed yet, you absolutely have to do this
before the installation of `TimeGuardian', as the installation
will be aborted otherwise. See How Do I Install `TimeGuardian'?, for
further information.
Where Can I Obtain `Installer'?
For an easy installation of the program package you need the program
Installer from C*mm*d*re. If this program is not installed on your
computer, you may obtain it in several ways:
* Workbench 2.0/2.1/3.0 includes it
* From `Fish-Disk 870'
* Via the distribution of `MUI'.
* Many distributions of commercial software contain it
Where Can I Obtain `Amiga-Guide'?
If you want to use the "online help" you'll need the
`amigaguide.library' in your `LIBS:'-drawer (see The Online Help). You
don't need it to run the package `TimeGuardian', but you won't
be able to use the online help feature.
The `amigaguide.library' is on the `Fish-Disk 870' and gets distributed
with Workbench version 3.0.
How Do I Install `TimeGuardian'?
This chapter describes the installation of the package
`TimeGuardian'. If you want to install other packages not included in
this distribution (see What Do I Need to Be Able to Use
`TimeGuardian'?), look into the respective distributions to install them.
You have two possibilities to install the package
`TimeGuardian'. You should use the first one:
The Installation with `Installer'
Before you make an *update*, read the file `Update_to_1.2'! There
you'll find important hints on how to make an update.
You have two choices to start the installation script:
1. Doubleclick on the icon `TG.install.deutsch':
The installation will commence. The text will appear in german. If
you want to use the German text please read the german
2. Doubleclick on the icon `TG.install.english':
The installation will commence. The text will appear in english.
Next is a step by step description of the installation:
* At the beginning you may choose the user level for the
installation. If you select `Novice', you won't be able to select
anything else but the path, where you want to copy the programs to.
All files necessary to work correctly will be copied and the
preferences program will be started. Finally you'll get a summary
about what was saved to which location. To quit the installation
you have to leave the preferences program.
If you want to install the package press `Proceed With Install'.
With `Help...' you'll get some information.
* If you select the user level `EXPERT' you may choose whether you
want to install the package (`Install for Real') or whether you
just want to test the installation script (`Pretend to Install').
Furthermore you may choose, whether all actions are logged or not.
You may write the file
`Sys:TGInstall.e.log' to disk (`Log File'), print the results
(`Printer') or suppress a log file (`None').
The installation is continued with `Proceed'.
* The installation will check, whether `MUI' was installed in the
correct version. If this was not so, the installation will be
* The installationprogramm checks now, if you have already installed
a version of `TimeGuardian'. The installation tries to
find the old installationpath. When you haven't changed the old
installation procedure this should work correctly. A message with
the found path will appear. A running `TGCron' will be
stopped. This is necessary to make a proper update.
* Now you may choose what you want to install.
The first gadget means, that only the necessary programs and
config files are copied.
The second gadget symbolizes the documentation.
* If the first gadget was activated:
- You will be asked, if the background program `TGCron'
should be started every time the computer is booting.
- If you answered the last question with `Yes', the program
will check whether this is possible on your system.
- If multiple choices exist for starting the background program,
you may select which of them you prefer. If you select `From
CLI (user-startup)', the file `S:user-startup' will be
changed in an appropriate way. If you select `From WB
(WBStartup)', the icon of the progam `TGCron' is copied
to the drawer `Sys:WBStartup'. Users who work mainly with the
workbench should use the second way.
Users making an update have to keep in mind to delete the
*old* entry in their `user-startup', when you selected the
CLI- start at a former installation.
- Now you may choose where the programs shall be copied to. The
installation will make a proposal. If you want a new drawer
for the package created, select `Make New Drawer...',
otherwise choose an existing one.
- You may continue with the button `Proceed'. The first files
will be extracted from the archive.
- When you have registered this version of the package your
keyfile will be copied now. When you have an variable called
`ENV:KEYPATH' on your system, this will be the destination.
Otherwise the key is copied to `S:'.
- Even if you did not select the documents to be installed, the
`TimeGuardian.guide' will be copied if the file
`Libs:amigaguide.library' is installed. If this was not so, a
message will appear that you won't be able to use the online
* If the second gadget was selected:
- You can select which of the four files you want to install:
1. The file `TimeGuardian.asc' which you may read
with any text viewer or editor or print, if you like to.
2. The file `TimeGuardian.guide' that you may read
with `AmigaGuide'. This file contains the information
for the online help. This file will always be copied,
when the file `Libs:amigaguide.library' is installed to
your system.
3. The file `TimeGuardian.dvi' that you may print
or view, if you have installed TeX.
4. The file `TimeGuardian.ps' that you may print
with a Postscript printer.
- For the `.asc' and the `.guide' file you can select a
- The file `TimeGuardian.guide' will only be installed
when in the drawer `Libs:' the file `amigaguide.library' is
found. Otherwise you're informed, that you will not be able
to use the online help.
- Now you can select a path for the `.tex' file.
- Now you can select a path for the `.ps' file.
* If you have installed the programs, you may decide now whether you
wish to start the preferences program `TimeGuardian'. Start
the program by selecting `Yes'. Change the configuration to suit
your needs and press the gadget `Save' before you leave the
program with the `Quit' gadget. If you haven't started the program
yet, you'll have to answer a message that you will have to start
the preferences program later on. Select `Proceed' then to leave
the installation correctly.
* If you have left the preferences program or answered the message,
the installation will be complete. Then the final message will
* When you selected the option to start the "Cron" program every
time your computer is booting, and you have left the preferences
program with `Save' `TGCron' is started.
The Installation without `Installer'
You should use this step by step installation only as an *expedient*
when you can't get the `Installer' program.
Before you make an *update*, read the file `Update_to_1.2'! There
you'll find important hints on how to make an update.
To install the package without `Installer' please follow these steps:
1. Open a `Shell' window (doubleclick the icon `Shell' in the drawer
`System' of your boot partition).
2. Please enter `version libs:muimaster.library'. You should get this
`libs:muimaster.library 7.973'. If you get a smaller number or
`object not found' you have to install `MUI' version 2.0 or
greater before you can continue.
3. If you want to install the package in a drawer that already
exists, please enter `cd drawer' (instead of drawer please use the
name of the directory). If you want to copy the files to a new
drawer you have to create it with the command `makedir drawer',
after that change to this drawer with `cd drawer' (please use the
name of the new directory instead of `drawer' in the two command
lines, e.g. TimeGuardian).
4. Please enter `echo > env:TimeGuardian.path drawer' and
`echo > envarc:TimeGuardian.path drawer'. Substitute
drawer with the path you used above. You have to type the trailing
`/' or `:'!
5. Now put the disk with the package into any drive (if you have
already copied the files to your hard disk just enter: `assign
{No Value For " DISKNAME"}: sourcedrawer', in which
`sourcedrawer' is the drawer, in which the files on your hard disk
are stored).
6. To copy the programs enter:`TimeGuardian:Lhx/Lhx e
TimeGuardian:bin/TGBins.lha #?'. Some messages will appear, as to
which files have already been decrunched.
7. If you want to copy the locale files (only German available at the
moment) please enter: `copy
TimeGuardian:Catalogs/deutsch/#? Locale:Catalogs/deutsch'. You
should get a message about a copied file.
8. If you want to copy the english documentation files please enter
`TimeGuardian:Lhx/Lhx e
TimeGuardian:doc/english/TGDoc.lha #? Help:english/'.
9. Please enter `copy TimeGuardian:env/#? envarc:' and `copy
{No Value For " DISKNAME"}:env/#? env:' now.
10. Please enter `copy TimeGuardian:s/#? s:'.
11. If the background program shall be started while booting, please
- start from Workbench:
`copy TGCron.info Sys:WBStartup'
Open the drawer `WBStartup' on the Workbench and click at the
icon `TGCron'. Activate the menu `Icons=>Information...'
or press the keys Amiga i. A window should pop up. Now enter
in the string gadget `Default Tool:': `path/TGCron' (you
have to replace path with the full path you copied the
programs to). Leave the window by clicking on the gadget
- start from user-startup:
Add the following lines to the file `s:startup-sequence' or
`s:user-startup': `run < nil: >nil: path/TGCron' (you
have to replace path with the full path you copied the
programs to). You may do this with the help of an editor.
12. If you want to start the preferences program from the same drawer
as the standard preferences programs simply enter: `copy
TimeGuardian.info Sys:Prefs'. You have to change the `Default
Tool:' as described above at step 10 (from Workbench). Enter the
name `path/TimeGuardian' instead of `path/TGCron'!
13. To use your personal configuration, start the program
`TimeGuardian' and leave it by clicking on the gadget `Save'.
It may happen that you run into problems trying to install the
program as described above. This could happen, if the assign `Help' and
the drawer `Help:english' don't exist. You may copy the documentation
files to any other drawer you want. You have to change the file
`Envarc:AmigaGuide/path' and `Env:AmigaGuide/path' in a way that the
drawer in which you copied the file `TimeGuardian.guide' will
be searched. E.g. add the line `dh0:docs' if you copied the above file
to the drawer `dh0:docs'.
What is `MUI'?
`MUI' is a program package for users and developers, that provides a
graphical user interface with many features for the programmer and user.
`TimeGuardian' is not able to run without `MUI', to be more
precise, the preferences program `TimeGuardian'! Therefore `MUI'
has to be already installed or you have to do it before the
installation of `TimeGuardian'. Where to obtain `MUI', see Where
May I Obtain `MUI'?
Where Can I Register for `MUI'?
This application uses
MUI - MagicUserInterface
(C) Copyright 1993/94 by Stefan Stuntz
`MUI' is a system to generate and maintain graphical user
interfaces. With the aid of a preferences program, the user of
an application has the ability to customize the outfit according
to his personal taste.
`MUI' is distributed as shareware. To obtain a complete package
containing lots of examples and more information about
registration please look for a file called `muiXXusr.lha' (XX
means the latest version number) on your local bulletin boards or
on public domain disks.
If you want to register directly, feel free to send
DM 30.- or US-$ 20.-
Stefan Stuntz
Eduard-Spranger-Straße 7
80935 München
Registration Form
Firm: ___________________________________________
First name, Name: ___________________________________________
Street: ___________________________________________
Location: ___________________________________________
Post code: ___________
Country: ___________________________________________
Telephone: _____________
e-mail: ___________________________________________
I want to become a registered user of the program package TimeGuardian
and therefore paid:
Germany Europe Rest of the
o Cash o 20DM o 20DM o 15US$
o 15US$
o Bank Draft o 20DM
o Eurocheque o 20DM o 20DM
o 15US$
o Cheque o 20DM o 40DM o 27US$
o 27US$
Please send the newest version of the above mentioned program package
and my personal key file to the address above.
____________________ ___________________________
Location, Date Signature